I am
terrified that the Conservatives may be returned with a thumping majority. Just think of our failing NHS, Care and
Mental Health services, the reduction of funds for our schools, the increasing national
debt, the lack of suitable housing, the homeless, the crime on our streets and
the problems with our prisons. Consider
the personal debts from the use of credit cards and pay day loans, the interest
being charged on the iniquitous loans for university, the people on low pay,
zero hour contracts, part time work and apprenticeships. I will deal with each of these issues and say what I think should be done.
1.The NHS
People think the NHS is underfunded . The truth is that it is badly run and money is not spent wisely.
There are too many managers and they are often not qualified in the medical profession.
Drugs and equipment, food and 'household' goods, e.g bedlinen, toiletries, food, cleaning materials, light bulbs, etc cost far too much. Better deals must be negotiated.
More full time nurses and doctors should be employed to avoid using agency nurses and locums who are far too expensive with agencies taking their cut.
Too many people fail to attend an appointment without prior notification . They should be refused an alternative appointment and with 'No Show' on their record be charged for further appointments.
Normally healthy young women should be allowed one termination. A second termination should only be carried out for medical reasons.
Hospitals are for sick people. If an elderly person is cured of a medical condition they must leave the hospital. After all, they have lived somewhere else, (their home or with a relative) before they were ill or injured. Their care must be their own responsibility.
I would pressurise the Government and the Health Ministers to build 'Care Hotels' for people who need time before returning to their homes.
These measures will save money and improve the service
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