Friday, 5 May 2017


Every child in the country should be receiving the kind of education being provided by the Independent schools .....but it isn't happening.
Why?  The Members of the government know that children, especially  the younger children benefit from smaller classes.  Most of them send their children to Independent and Public schools where they will be in classes certainly with no more than twenty pupils.  It seems they don't think this is necessary  for state school children.  Their class numbers are increasing sometimes to over 40 pupils.
More state school children are leaving school illiterate and/or innumerate.

They say they cannot afford it.  YES THEY CAN!!.  They say there aren't enough schools and not enough classrooms.  Well whose fault is that?  I taught in primary schools.  The classrooms are large. Partitions can easily be installed to divide the space to accommodate fewer children.   They say that there are not enough teachers.  Teachers are leaving state schools.  They are constantly being told what to teach, how to teach and there are far too many tests imposed.  Discipline is more difficult than ever I remember and often there is less support from the parents.  - I could go on.

What is the government doing about it?  They keep imposing new rules, new subjects - "teach children about homosexuality or transexuality.  NO! teach them the three Rs.   Let the parents deal with the other issues.  Head teachers should run their schools not Ministers who know nothing about the profession.
I would approach the six Ministers in the Department of Education and 'advise' them.  Just give me a chance to do so.

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